KONINKLIJKE MARINE Royal Netherlands Navy
MLD Marine Luchtvaart Dienst
DNAS Dutch Naval Air Service
KONINKLIJKE LUCHTMACHT Netherlands Royal Air Force
HANGER 6 Naval Airstation Morokrembangan
Submarine base for the Home Fleet consisting of submarines from
Britain, Netherlands, Poland, Norway, and France.
As we have learned from Wim Versnells' memoirs in 1943 some Hanger 6 members of 320 squadron at Bircham Newton that had also escaped Indonesia were sent to the torpedo factory in Greenock Scotland. Part of this group were also assigned to the Netherlands submarines at HMS Ambrose in Dundee Scotland. Half of these cadets were Dutch Indonesians.
Here is what was written about them.
"When it became clear after the fall of the Dutch Indies that the war could still last a while and there were a shortages of torpedomakers. Therefore training was started in Dundee. By ministerial order, 22 aspiring cadets learning to be aircraftmakers were designated to be trained as torpedomakers.
More than half of the participants of this training, born of necessity, remained with the torpedo service their entire career. Another striking fact was the young age of these pupils, they were 15/16 years old. E. Kreleger, the youngest of this class was born in 1927.
The 22 names of this special war class are.
E. A. Poestkoke
E. Brandwolff
G.I. Clifford Kocq van Breugel
L.J. van Nieuwenhuizen
E. van Duivenbode Varkevisser
F.Ch. Kok
A.J. van Vlimmeren
E. Kreleger
G.H. Klauwer
P.F. Grabe
W. Klaassen
G.A. Jolly
G. Charon de St. Germain
E.M. Tesser
A.N. Winter
F.H.V. Keller
J.E. de Bie
E.M. Petit Jean
H.F. Ferns
J.K. Alfons
H. Sayers
R.H. Voogt